We were never here not really even
When it seemed so real so touching
Feeling like we were in charge living
Extra textured double shot large late
Capitalist latte lives driving through
Wanton lines with ordered appetites
Upon on-demand sides of fetid flesh
Jazzed up with freshly stewed dark
Matters in skewered sleeves so very
Shrewdly conceived in their abilities
To conceal the empty calories under
Layers of late-night prayers for fatal
Flavors behind dumping grounds of
Unsavory sounds so far unwavering
Parading into the unraveling of any
Evidence from a great demise spent
On freeze-dried lies that it may stop
Time only to find that none of it was
Real not even the special deal of the
Happy kiddie mealy apple pie wraps
Descending toward the final reel of
A blank screen on every machine in
View of a future that has forgotten
Our sadly misbegotten moment of
Recusal from making hard choices
To stave off impossible rhymes that
Erased the hazy neon signs blinking
Tears of being worth sacred earthly
Berths all inkling to return unknown
Leaving no trace of our fallen grace
No sense no place no time no space
Hoping for another chance to forge
Bodies from dust into one last dance
NOTE: Abstracted nodding off and/or awakening verse retold for this Day of Earth that holds us in its warming embrace despite everything thrown its way. 🌍